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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: trace file perm
> I've seen this thread before, but haven't found a solution to satify
> my needs. So here it is again - how do I make trace files readable by
> the public, or by those generating them?
> Leng Kaing, Software Consultant, VUT - Footscray Campus
I've had to address the same problem and know of two possible solutions. Look at the permissions set on the oracle executable in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. If, set group id, is specified as shown in the following example, then all files generated by oracle will be in the group oracle belongs to, dba.
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle dba 7191468 Jan 7 09:59 oracle ^
Another alternative, the one I chose, would be to set the "unsupported" init.ora parameter, _trace_files_public = true. This would set the trace file permissions to other readable.
Proceed at your own risk.
Ron R. Tisdale One Bell Center 314-331-9839 Phone 22-F-3 314-235-3067 Fax St. Louis, MO 63101-3099 rt5340_at_swuts.sbc.comReceived on Mon Mar 13 1995 - 02:05:39 CST