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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Sending EMAIL From Oracle
RE: Sending EMAIL from Oracle
I read on the list a request to be able to interface with Email. This was a week or so ago. We were in the middle of trying to send Email from the MIS applications to the EMAIL world.
We have done this by saving Email messages in an Oracle Table (description below) and using a PL/SQL script to process the messages. We place an entry in CRON to process the mail every 5 minutes. If the file email_script.lst is NOT found the process continues, if it is found, then you are already processing or you have unprocessed mail. To restart the mail process after checking why it bombed out, just delete the file.
CRON will process it again on the next pass. An Email message will only be sent once no matter how many times the rowid occures in table mis_email_in_progress.
The message table is structured after Oracle Mail in order to maintain compatability.
These scripts are for UNIX, SUN-OS 4.1.3, using sendmail, but the theory can be used on other platforms.
Questions or suggestions can be directed to: or
Note: # must be in 1st columns.
#!/bin/csh# The parameter passed by ${1} is the name of the Oracle sid
# C shell script to be run by cron for unix user mis_mst
# who has an ops$login Oracle login
# source ~oracle7/.cshrc_${1} --- read the .cshrc of the
# oracle user. We use the
# format .cshrc_<<sid>>
source ~oracle7/.cshrc_${1} sqlplus / @${HOME}/scripts/system/process_mis_emailendif
REM Oracle Script that creates and runs a unix script to
REM send mail via unix sendmail
REM The rowids to process are stored in the mis_email_in_progress
REM table.
EXECUTE select count(*) INTO :EMAIL_COUNT from mis_msgs;
CURSOR email_cursor IS
SELECT rowid FROM mis_msgs WHERE :EMAIL_COUNT > 0; row_id varchar2(18); BEGIN OPEN email_cursor; LOOP FETCH email_cursor INTO row_id; IF email_cursor%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; END IF; INSERT into mis_email_in_progress VALUES(row_id); END LOOP; CLOSE email_cursor;
set head off
set tab on
set verify off
set feedback off
set termout off
rem set linesize 255
spool /tmp/email_script
PROMPT #!/bin/csh
SELECT '/usr/lib/sendmail -v '||who_to||' <<EOF'||chr(10)||
'Subject: '||subject||chr(10)|| text||chr(10)||'EOF'||chr(10) from mis_msgs WHERE rowid IN (select * from mis_email_in_progress);spool off;
where rowid IN (select * from mis_email_in_progress);
truncate table mis_mst.mis_email_in_progress;
host rm -f /tmp/email_script*
Content-Length: 1679
X-Lines: 51
Status: RO
TABLE: mis_msgs
Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- TEXT NOT NULL VARCHAR2(2000) WHO_TO NOT NULL VARCHAR2(180) CC VARCHAR2(120) BCC VARCHAR2(120) FCC VARCHAR2(120) WHO_FROM VARCHAR2(30) REPLYTO VARCHAR2(30) SUBJECT VARCHAR2(120) OA_USER VARCHAR2(30) PASSWORD VARCHAR2(30) HOW_CONNECT VARCHAR2(80) EXPIRE VARCHAR2(30) DEFER VARCHAR2(30) VALID CHAR(1) ATTACH VARCHAR2(120) ATYPE CHAR(1) VERBOSE CHAR(1) LOGFILE VARCHAR2(80) TABLE: mis_email_in_progress Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- ROW_ID VARCHAR2(18) ----------------------- remove_trailing_blanks.awk ----------------------
# Trailing cause Email to include trailing blanks
# on end of each line.
# This awk script wil strip trailing blanks from unix
# script file lines
{str = $0;
str_len = length($0);
while ( substr(str,str_len,1) == " " )
{ str = substr(str,1,--str_len); }
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