
From Oracle FAQ

List of Oracle Shareware products available in alphabetical order:

Please create separate wiki pages for product reviews that is longer than a paragraph or two. Leave an introductory paragraph and link to the new article.

dbDeveloper - multiple databases editor[edit]

dbDeveloper is a visual development tool for multiple databases exploration, creation and modification in an easy and powerful way. It allows you to view or change a structure of every database using the same interface.

It supports following databases:

  • Oracle
  • MS SQL Server
  • Sybase
  • DB2
  • Interbase
  • Firebird
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

Latest version: 2.30 (2009-02-19)


DbStatMan is Performance Monitor for graphing/reporting on almost every statistic counter available in an Oracle database. Since it it written in Java it will run on any platform that support JDK 1.3. Latest version: 2003-03-01

Easyscript for Oracle[edit]

Easyscript for Oracle is a tool to organize your daily use scripts into a readable and maintainable document, you can find right script quickly and easily, and run scripts against the database on the fly with an immediate HTML output. So, you can take snapshot of your database whenever you like in a very easy way. There are lots of excellent scripts shipped with Easyscript for Oracle that you can use to manage the databases. Latest version: 3.6.0 (2016-02-19)

EasySQL Checker for Oracle[edit]

EasySQL Checker for Oracle is a SQL syntax validation tool, It can check to see whether a SQL statement syntax is valid before you actually run it against Oracle. Latest version: 3.6.0 (2016-02-19)

Oracle Query Analyser[edit]

Oracle Query is a professional development tool aimed at Microsoft Windows based software developers and Oracle DBAs. This easy-to-use product allows rapid transact SQL development against an Oracle database through an intuitive Windows graphical user interface. Latest version: 2.0.0 (2003-10-07)

Oraspeed - Oracle IDE[edit]

Using this Oracle IDE you can write and test Queries. Create, Compile, Execute and Debug your PL/SQL Programs. Execute Anonymous PL/SQL Blocks. Create/Edit Database object using advanced wizards. TKProf, PL/SQL Profiler, Parent Child Data Explorer. Latest version: 3.6.5 (2007-08-31)

Rep2excel: Oracle Reports to Excel Converter[edit]

Shareware tool that can convert output from Oracle Reports to Microsoft Excel. Latest version: 2016-06-11


SchemaToDoc can transform your Oracle database metadata into easy-to-read Word documents. The program can present the following information for each table in your database: Primary Keys, Field Information, Indexes, Check Constraints, Descriptions/Comments and Foreign Keys. Latest version: 2011-05-15

Top100 - The Oracle Shared Pool Profiler[edit]

Top100 will support you in profiling your applications for finding the most resource or time consuming SQL statements. This utility for the Oracle database administrator and the oracle developer offers a very simple user Interface and is extraordinary easy to use. Latest version: 2.1.1 build 157 (2004-10-08)

Visual SQL-Designer[edit]

Visual SQL-Designer is a program for easy visual constructing hard SQL-query for any database. Latest version: 4.0.1 (2006-03-19)

Supported databases:

  • ORACLE 7.2-9.x
  • MS-SQL server 6.5-7.0-2000
  • SyBase System 11
  • Db2 for NT
  • MSAccess 97-2002
  • MySQL
  • ODBC datasources

Some functionality:

  • Allow update opened resultsets.
  • Delete query builder.
  • Union query builder.
  • Make table query builder.
  • OLAP inside.
  • Load external SQL-query (reverse engineering).