Redo log
A redo log is a file that is part of an Oracle database. When a transaction is committed, the transaction's details in the redo log buffer is written to a redo log file.
Redo log buffer[edit]
A circular buffer in the SGA that contains information about changes made to the database. The LGWR process writes information from this buffer to the redo log files.
Redo log files[edit]
A set of files that record all changes made to an Oracle database. A database MUST have at least two redo log files. Log files can be multiplexed on multiple disks to ensure that they will not get lost.
Query redo log details:
SELECT * FROM v$log;
To see the logfile members:
SELECT * FROM v$logfile;
Note that a redo log can have different states:
- CURRENT: redo records are currently being written to the group. Only one group is current at a time.
- ACTIVE: redo group that contains redo's of a dirty buffer (not yet committed transaction).
- INACTIVE: log that can be overwritten.
- UNUSED: initial state after creation, when it's still empty.
The point at which Oracle stops writing to one redo log and starts writing to another is called a log switch. You can force the log switch with:
Redo Log Writer process[edit]
SQL> select spid from v$process where program like '%LGWR%'; SPID ------------ 29867 SQL> ! ps -ef | grep 29867 oracle 29867 1 0 Sep 26 ? 7:59 ora_lgwr_o102
Find the database users that generate the most redo[edit]
It is sometimes necessary to find the processes that generate the most redo entries, as they may cause excessive database archiving. This query will help:
SELECT s.sid, s.username, s.program, t.value "redo blocks written" FROM v$session s, v$sesstat t WHERE s.sid = t.sid AND t.value != 0 AND t.statistic# = (SELECT statistic# FROM v$statname WHERE name = 'redo size') ORDER BY 4 /