Oracle FAQ:Year end report 2005
At this time of year it is only right to reflect on all the highlights of the past year; to thank all who have made it possible; and to set the agenda for 2006.
Here are some of the highlights of 2005:
- 2005 was the Oracle FAQ's tenth birthday (this site was established in 1995). We trust that the next ten years will be as exciting as the first ten.
- The site has grown from 160,000 unique visitors per month in January 2005 to more than 220,000 in November. In November we transmitted more than 50 GB of compressed data to web browsers across the Internet. This alone shows that we must be doing something right, and that our users enjoy visiting the site.
- A completely new forum system was installed. All old messages were successfully imported into the new system. Redirects were implemented to redirect old URL's to the new forum topics.
- All FAQs were migrated to the new site format. A good proportion of these FAQs are out-of-date and in serious need of some love and attention. The new format allow users to leave comments and suggest improvements.
- We added some exciting new sections: an Oracle Blog Aggregator, SQL and PL/SQL Code Formatter, etc.
Content added in 2005[edit]
Here is a summary of new content added in 2005:
- Technical articles: 33 new articles were published - down from 43 in 2004.
- Discussion forums: 46,692 new messages were posted on the forums (in 13,212 topics), up from 37,869 in 2004 (12,815 topics).
- USENET posts archived: 43,435 USENET posts were archived - down from 54,083 in 2004.
- Oracle-L messages archived: 25,019 E-mail messages were archived - down from 32,029 in 2004.
A special thank-you to our sponsors. This site is not about making a profit but, nothing in life is free. Our sponsors' involvement ensures that the site remains free to all its visitors. Please support them, buy their products, and visit their sites:
- Keeptool -
- Conquest Software Solutions (with SQL Detective) -
- OraPub -
- Isidian (with SQL Insight) -
Thank you to all the forum moderators who are always willing to assist people and to answer odd questions in the discussion forums:
- Mahesh Rajendran
- Todd Barry
- Maaher (Maarten Hereijgers)
- Barbara Boehmer
- Art Metzer
- djmartin (David)
- andrew again (Andrew Macey)
- smartin (Scot Martin)
- William Robertson
- Frank (Tollenaar)
A special thank-you to all users who have contributed to this site over the past year. There are too many to mention names! A great community is built on people like you, and is pulled down by people who only demand. I trust 2006 will see many more contributors coming forward. Everyone can contribute - no matter how small or insignificant a part!
Looking to the future...[edit]
There are so many things planned for 2006 that it would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list. Here are a few items that are aready on the agenda:
- Implement a single sign-on between the form and rest of the site.
- Allow registered users to submit and edit articles, FAQs and other content on-line.
- Continue the migration of existing content to the new site format.
- Continue to publish as many articles and FAQs as possible.
If you have any other ideas, or would like to help, we would like to hear from you.
To sum up...[edit]
2005 was a great year! We look forward to work with the Oracle users' community in 2006, and wish everyone a wonderful and prosperous new year!