Designer FAQ
Oracle Designer FAQ:
What username/password should I use after installing Designer?
Oracle Designer requires you to create a repository in an Oracle database before you can login. The username and password are those of a user defined in this repository. Use the Repository Administration Utility (RAU) to create a repository and grant users access.
What are CDM, AIM and PJM?
- CDM = Oracle's Custom Development Method
- AIM = Oracle's Applications Integration Method
- PJM = Oracle's Project Management Method
CDM, AIM and PJM describe the methodology that Oracle Consulting employees use for delivering software development and integration services.
CDM and PJM Advantage are packaged versions of this methodology that can be purchased from Oracle for use by customers. It includes a set of Adobe Acrobat manuals and MS-Word/ MS-Project templates for drawing up project documentation and deliverable documents.
Can one trace Designer internals?
From Designer/2000 R2.1 you can enable tracing from RAU by selecting the Options/ Diagnostics menu. One can trace Designer/2000 R1.3.2 actions by setting some Windows registry entries. For example, to trace ERD actions: Run REGEDIT.EXE and navigate to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE ORACLE DESIGNER/2000:
New string: des2_sysmod20_erd_diag_level = 3 New string: des2_sysmod20_erd_trace_file = c:/temp/d2k_erd.trc
NOTE: On NT you must login as the administrator.