From: Erwin <>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 04:06:51 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

> That is not entirely untrue, because of the CWA.  A tuple represents a
> proposition that is believed to be true in the microworld modeled by
> the database in which the tuple appears.  Applying the CWA to
> determine whether some tuple should or should not appear in the
> database, cannot possibly be done by the DBMS, and is therefore the
> exclusive responsibility of the user.  So while such a mapping can
> indeed be perceived to exist, it is by definition of no use to the
> DBMS and it is therefore a mistake to let the DBMS be bothered with
> such mapping.

To which I should add that, since this is a forum where database therory, thus DBMS technology, is discussed, it is indeed valid to say that such a mapping does not exist, because its existence does not make any difference to the DBMS anyhow. Received on Sat Sep 04 2010 - 13:06:51 CEST

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