Re: looking for another one of Codd's papers

From: paul c <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 01:03:58 GMT
Message-ID: <260Om.53085$Db2.29680_at_edtnps83>

Cimode wrote:
> It is curious you mention this book...
> A few monthes ago, I have unsuccessfully tried to put my hands on
> it...The next thing I have read is the following written at a later
> date. Hope this helps...
> I would appreciate if you could you post the papers written before RM
> was formulated initially. It is reasonnable to assume that the period
> between 65 and 68 was the period where Codd slowly went from
> mathematical and naive set theory to IS relation construct and I want
> to understand that refining process better (rather than simply its
> conclusions).

Thanks. It's good of Fagin to put so many of his papers online. Seems Codd's papers are harder and harder to find.

I don't have anything of his before 1969. Regarding 'refining', I can't guess how long he was thinking about it or whether there were mis-steps that he didn't want to publish. IBM had him working on lots of other things for many years. It's pretty clear, though, that he had a very collaborative spirit and put his first two papers out for others to see, knowing he had a good base with lots left to do. Received on Sun Nov 22 2009 - 02:03:58 CET

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