Re: constraints in algebra instead of calculus

From: paul c <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 20:23:34 GMT
Message-ID: <aLgdi.35327$xq1.10576_at_pd7urf1no>

Marshall wrote:
> On Jun 14, 7:46 pm, paul c <> wrote:

>>Marshall, this mis-step has bugged me for days, for no reason that I can
>>explain, except that at one time it all seemed crystal-clear and I'm not
>>sure now whether my memory is bad or whether I was flat-out wrong to
>>think of GROUP et cetera in this way.  This might be what I was trying
>>to remember:

> OBTW Paul, I meant to say "thank you" for this post. It, and the
> ensuing
> discussion, have been really interesting. I'm not posting a lot right
> now
> but I'm here every day.
> Marshall

Thanks, it was interesting to me too, except that now the only parts that seem interesting to me were not the parts I wrote, so I don't feel I can say "you're welcome". As far as TTM goes, I think I've been the victim of my own mysticism!

p Received on Sun Jun 17 2007 - 22:23:34 CEST

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