Re: Relation Schemata vs. Relation Variables

From: David Portas <>
Date: 21 Aug 2006 05:35:17 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Marshall wrote:
> I haven't seen much written about transition constraints, and
> would be happy to read more if anyone has any good pointers.
> I went a-Googling a week or two ago for writings on the topic
> and the only interesting thing I came across was a forgotten
> post by me asking people about transition constaints! Ha ha!

There is a brief mention and example in TTM (3rd ed.). Transition constraints don't appear to be well understood or supported. For example Oracle exposes the tuple-level update flaw in its FOR EACH ROW triggers.

David Portas
Received on Mon Aug 21 2006 - 14:35:17 CEST

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