Re: A statement on dbdebunk.

From: Erwin <>
Date: 21 Aug 2006 00:41:35 -0700
Message-ID: <>


> He did not mean (nor did he state) isomorphism. He stated
> the mapping is 1:1. ... He seems to say that there
> are conceptual elements that are not mapped to the logical
> model.

So when he *states* that some mapping is 1:1, then according to you, he is actually saying that there are certain elements that do not map ?????????????

> Remember that isomorphism is 1:1 /and
> ONTO/. The mapping is not onto.

Can you please explain precisely what difference is made by /and ONTO/ ??? I don't understand where you're getting at here. What is the difference between mappings that are indeed "onto" and other mappings that are not "onto" ??????

Erwin Received on Mon Aug 21 2006 - 09:41:35 CEST

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