Re: How to force two entities to point to the same lookup value

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 16:44:24 GMT
Message-ID: <I11Fg.50714$>

DA Morgan wrote:

> Bob Badour wrote:

>> wrote:
>>> Bob Badour wrote:
>>>> Ed Prochak wrote:
>>>> Do you not find the Oracle "borg-consciousness" fascinating? I 
>>>> seriously
>>>> wonder: If Larry Ellison showed up to a user's group meeting with the
>>>> purple koolaid, how many members would drink it?
>>> I would not - I only like the red kind personally, the fruit punch
>>> flavored one.  Grape doesn't do it for me.
>>> But that is a matter of choice.
>>> Thomas Kyte
>>> Resistance is futile
>> Note to Larry: Give potential customers multiple products to lock into 
>> and then let them choose. Apparently, lock-in goes down easier that way.

> Bob do us all a favour. Go buy a personal license for Sybase or
> Informix. Put your money where your mouth is and help break Larry's
> lock-in rain-of-terror.

Are you too stupid to think of anything except products? Received on Thu Aug 17 2006 - 18:44:24 CEST

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