Re: How to force two entities to point to the same lookup value

From: Ed Prochak <>
Date: 17 Aug 2006 05:27:51 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Bob Badour wrote:
> None of the discussion initiated by the Oracle crowd or any of what
> followed did anything to address the original question. One can draw
> whatever conclusions one wants from that about how much the Oracle crowd
> care about what the original poster needs.
> I see a knee-jerk reaction that defends their own turf while totally
> ignoring the original poster's question and dismissing his stated desires.


respecfully I must disagree. Dan's initial post was to suggest looking at Oracle's implementation AS AN EXAMPLE. He did not suggest or even imply the OP purchase that oracle product. I think in this case you are overreacting. Just let it go.

  Ed Received on Thu Aug 17 2006 - 14:27:51 CEST

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