Re: How to force two entities to point to the same lookup value

From: Frank Hamersley <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:46:45 GMT
Message-ID: <VwSEg.13382$>

Gene Wirchenko wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 19:33:02 GMT, HansF <> wrote:

>> On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 11:59:28 -0700, joel garry wrote:
>> I took the time to read Bob's posts in other forums.  

> I have read many of his posts in cdt.
>> In a nutshell, if you don't agree with him, the insults start flying. 
>> Once his mind is made up, the subject appears to be closed and the
>> responses appear to be primarily verbal abuse.  

> No, it is that he reacts severely to kooks. cdt has had more
> than its share of them.

So what? That is a most feeble and uncivilised approach.

>> Responding to him is not worth the time, even if some of his comments are
>> based on significant insight.  

> Responding to him *is* worth the time, *because* if some of his
> comments are based on significant insight, but not if you are a kook.

Bull, responding is pointless (unless a sycophant)! However, listening can be useful - if you are prepared to wade through the trash when he is tugging on it. That said it doesn't take that long to observe the entire repertoire.

To be clear, just because Bob appears to any observer as well read and is consistent in expressing his personal array (or list perhaps) of accepted precepts, it does not mean his feet contain no clay. His extant arrogance suggests denial much like an Emperor who ponces down the main street!

Cheers, Frank. Received on Thu Aug 17 2006 - 06:46:45 CEST

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