Re: Resiliency To New Data Requirements

From: Keith H Duggar <>
Date: 16 Aug 2006 13:26:46 -0700
Message-ID: <>

dawn wrote:
> Bob Badour wrote:
> > Dawn is not here to learn. She is here to promote
> > herself and to advance her own economic agenda.
> Just to set the record straight for others (Bob filters me
> and attacks, trying to intimidate, those who respond to
> me, in case you haven't figured that out) -- I have no
> motivation here other than to learn in order to help the
> industry provide better bang for the buck software
> solutions.

Repeating a lie does not make it true. You know, simple logic, A & A = A. One need only read your posts to see the lie. Indeed you have even ADMITTED you came to advocate. Do you deny this? Do you want me to dredge up your admission? And how about all the "it's time to ditch ...", "we need to abandon ...", etc crap? Isn't that advocacy?

> Bullying the person is not on my list of appropriate
> responses, and I'm sorry that Bob and company think it is
> appropriate.

How about calling people rapists and terrorists? Is that appropriate?

> Some people only speak about topics on which they are
> certain (Bob seems to fall into that category). I speak
> on topics about which I have opinions, but often where I
> am not certain. I learn a lot that way.

It's not that you speak or ask questions. It's that you act vociferously and /refuse to learn/. Along with other things.

> I have never seen or felt such bullying before and prefer
> to spend time where I am welcome, so I'll go back to
> lurking again soon.

Any idea when?

> I recognize that there is a risk in replying to me because
> you might be the next target, and being bullied, even just
> in a news group, is not fun -- it can be emotionally
> draining.

Not as draining as trying to defend knowledge from the VI. (VI : vociferous ignoramus).

> So, to those who have defended my right to express
> opinions and ask questions in this forum, many thanks and

Stop playing in the straw. It's never been about your freedom of expression, Dawn.

  • Keith -- Fraud 6
Received on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 22:26:46 CEST

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