Re: How to force two entities to point to the same lookup value

From: Bob Badour <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:10:06 GMT
Message-ID: <yrHEg.48992$>

HansF wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:50:41 +0000, Bob Badour wrote:

>>It goes without saying that Tom Kyte says everyone should lock 
>>themselves permanently into Oracle solutions. Oracle pays him to say 

> If you had a chance to meet Tom, you would probably retract that statement.

I sincerely doubt that I would. I am sure he is a very pleasant man. Regardless of his natural inclination, which I am sure is equally pleasant, Oracle pays him to be pleasant as well.

While I have no objection to the profit motive whatsoever, I equally have no compunctions about dismissing puffery as puffery.

> As one who has met him and had several opportunities to chat ... I think
> Oracle pays him BECAUSE he says those things. (Sort of a chicken-egg
> issue, I guess.)

How he arrived at the financial interest is irrelevant to my point.

> A rarity, to be sure. And many who worship money foremost will never be
> able to believe it.

I am not sure what sort of point you are trying to make with your conclusion. Anyone who thinks I worship money would have to be daft or completely ignorant about me. Received on Wed Aug 16 2006 - 18:10:06 CEST

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