Re: Resiliency To New Data Requirements

From: erk <>
Date: 11 Aug 2006 12:14:41 -0700
Message-ID: <>

dawn wrote:
> Perhaps it would be more precise to say that they "threw the baby out
> with the bathwater." I found arguments, but no emperical data, that
> showed the relational model to be beneficial to those using it. If you
> are aware of any emperical data, particularly any that shows that the
> RM is more flexible over time than either MUMPS or PICK that predate
> it, I would really like to see that.

It doesn't exist.

> > Again, I'm
> > commenting on the material I read about 20 years ago. The material you read
> > may have been different.
> Yes, so please pass along any pointers to emperical data comparing data
> models.

It won't be found, and if the empirical datais to be based on market popularity, I'm not sure what meaning I'd derive from that anyway.

Since the empirical data is lacking both directions (MV over relational or relational over MV), aren't we all just arguing from a subjective standpoint? At this point, then, examples and logical arguments are all we have.  

  • erk
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 21:14:41 CEST

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