Re: Why bother with Logical data model?

From: Gene Wirchenko <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 14:39:06 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On 10 Aug 2006 12:26:01 -0700, "JOG" <> wrote:

>Gene Wirchenko wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:22:20 GMT, Bob Badour
>> <> wrote:
>> >JOG wrote:
>> >
>> >> I have just invented a new layer called the 'conceptalogical layer'.
>> >> It's meaningless obviously but sounds like just the sort of thing I
>> >> could build a software business on. It's a winner I tell you
>> >> </cynicism>
>> >
>> >It's going to have a tough time competing against my new logceptysical
>> >model. Let's see who gets the book deal first! ;)
>> My money is on JOG. His term is easy to say. Yours is awkward.
>A wise choice my friend. You'll find the conceptalogical layer design
>software is perfect for modular e-driven enterprise-level solutions,
>due to its concurrent extensible semantics.

     Oooh! Shiny!

>I'm going to need a US distributor.

     I must decline. I am moving back to Canada at the end of the month. Is Canada available?

     (Yes, I really am moving.)


Gene Wirchenko Received on Thu Aug 10 2006 - 23:39:06 CEST

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