Re: Books

From: J M Davitt <>
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 02:08:34 GMT
Message-ID: <CsbCg.64417$>

erk wrote:
> Paolo wrote:

>>I'm looking for some books on database design and theory and was
>>looking for some suggestions.  I have been dabbling with a database for
>>just a couple of months now and have quickly come to realize how
>>necessary it is to have some sort of a foundation.  So I'm looking for
>>some introductory texts.

> I'd heartily recommend Date's "Database In Depth" as an introduction -
> I found it an interesting new way of explaining relational theory, good
> even for those who've read his much larger Introduction.
> If you enjoy and/or benefit from that, then definitely read his
> "Introduction to Database Management."
> I also second Bob's recommendation of Fabian Pascal's "Practical
> Issues" book.
> - Eric

Tough question.

Bob's question, although very much on-point, is probably not easy to answer. So...

Eric's suggestions are good ones. If Date's "In Depth" doesn't cover a topic thoroughly enough, there's always his "Database Systems" -- although it can be overwhelming. (I'd try to borrow a copy rather than buy it; there are plenty of them out there.)

Fabian Pascal's "Practical Issues" is a good book, but not very approachable for someone seeking a foundation.

I've head good things about "the Alice book," although I haven't gotten to it yet and don't know the correct title. Received on Wed Aug 09 2006 - 04:08:34 CEST

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