Re: Network databases / who is X?

From: pc <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 20:45:29 GMT
Message-ID: <J5BFd.99762$KO5.27405_at_clgrps13>

can't resist interrupting - according to my incestuous web searches, it must stand for HyperText Mosher Lorie! personally, i think this is a more pleasant name except that it somehow reminds me of lawyers.

speaking of which, the original 'G', Mr. Charles F. Goldfarb was and is also one. he has some modest but charming comments here and there on the web. seems he has hung in better than most old-timers, among other things he now writes books about XML. i wonder who 'X' stands for?


frosty wrote:

> wrote:
> [snip]

>>now there is this other stuff out there that goes somewhat
>>GML->SGML->HTML->XML, etc (somewhat analogous to the transition from
>>SEQUEL->SQL) where GML was invented at the science center and the
>>letters "G", "M", and "L" stand for initials of the people that
>>invented it ... and the same Lorie (in the above) is the "L" in all
>>those ML things floating around out there.

> So you are saying that "HTML" is _not_ an acronym for
> HyperText Markup Language?
Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 21:45:29 CET

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