Re: Network databases

From: <>
Date: 13 Jan 2005 10:23:17 -0800
Message-ID: <>

frosty wrote:
> So you are saying that "HTML" is _not_ an acronym for
> HyperText Markup Language?

so gml was invented at the science center ... misc. past references

by "G", "M", and "L" ... and the objective was come up with name that corresponded to their initials ... aka GML ... and eventually came up with Generalized Markup Language (where the "l" in "language" corresponds to the first initial of the last name of one of the inventors).

this was eventually standardized in iso as SGML ... standard generalized markup language ... where the "l" in language still corresponds with the initial of the last name of one of the inventors.

HTML then was outgrowth of SGML ... and XML is outgrowth of combination of HTML and SGML ... where the "l" in language still corresponds to the initial of the last name of one of the inventors.

this is somewhat akin to compare&swap instruction, also invented by one of the people at the science center

however, there was only one inventor in this case whose initials are CAS. The task was coming up with mnemonic that corresponded to the initials of his name .... and eventually came up with compare-and-swap. random posts about compare-and-swap (and other multiprocessor related stuff)

some slightly more specific sgml, html, science center, etc posts: ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software who invented the "popup" ? Specifying all biz rules in relational data Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 19:23:17 CET

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