Re: Demo: Modelling Cost of Travel Paths Between Towns

From: Paul <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 22:54:00 +0000
Message-ID: <419d2808$0$43615$>

Ja Lar wrote:
> I must confess that I don't quite understand this.
> A value is a representation of a fact (?)
> A particular value can mean different things to different people
> Ergo (?)
> A fact can mean different things to different people
> May I assume that you are stating that the fact "Mary likes John" is in fact
> (no pun intended) open for interpretation, such that even if true, it may be
> false.

"Mary likes John", or more exactly a tuple (Mary, John) in a relation called "Likes", could be interpreted by the users as "the moon is made of green cheese" if they want.

Just as the tuple (Bill, 0) can be perfectly well be interpreted not as "Bill is 0 years old", but as "Bill's age is unknown". It could even be interpreted as "Bill's age is 43" if you really wanted.

Paul. Received on Thu Nov 18 2004 - 23:54:00 CET

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