Re: A Normalization Question

From: Neo <>
Date: 29 Jul 2004 08:35:40 -0700
Message-ID: <>

>... I will finally get the $1000 he still owes me!

Please help Neo owe Hugo $1000 by using RM Sol#1 or #2 to create the hierarchal reports for the following without NULLs or redundancy:

Case1: God is the parent of an unnamed person. God is also the parent of second person with three names (string 'john', integer 100, decimal 3.14).

Case2: john isa person. john's color is brown. mary isa person. mary's color is brown. brown is a person.

Please respond in original thread. Below are measurements made thus far using RM solutions that aren't as generic or normalized as XDb1's. Note that XDb1's solution for generating a small common ancestor report running on a 233 Mhz Pocket PC is nearly twice as fast as that of a non-normalized, non-generic Sql Server 2000 solution running on a 5.6 times faster 1,300 MHz desktop.

Small Report Generation Summary (provided by Hugo)

Solution Time(ms) Platform Notes
-------------- --------  ----------------- --------------------------
RM#1 SqlSrvr2K  14.3     1.3 Ghz PC        Unnormalized, non-generic
RM#2 SqlSrvr2K  11.0     1.3 Ghz PC        Unnormalized, non-generic
XDb1 4.4.7      16       1.3 Ghz PC        Debug ver, norm and gener

Small Report Generation Summary (provided by Neo)

Solution Time(ms) Platform Notes
-------------  --------  ----------------- --------------------------
RM#1 SqlSrvr7   65.0     500 Mhz Server    Unnormalized, non-generic
RM#2 SqlSrvr7   68.9     500 Mhz Server    Unnormalized, non-generic
XDb1 4.5.7       1.632   500 Mhz Server    Normalized, generic
XDb1 4.5.9       6.561   233 MHz PocketPC  Normalized, generic

Large Report (28,940 rows) Generation Summary (provided by Neo) 200 Goat Hierarchy (5 generations x 40 goats/generation, each goat having two parents, except 1st gen).

Solution Time(sec) Platform Notes
-------------  --------  ----------------- --------------------------
RM#5 SqlSrvr7   40.5     500 Mhz Server    Unnormalized, non-generic
XDb1 4.5.7       2.9     500 Mhz Server    Normalized, generic
XDb1 4.5.9      16.971   233 Mhz PocketPC  Normalized, generic

Larger Report (276,620 rows) Generation Summary (provided by Neo). 400 Goat Hierarchy (10 gen x 40 goats/gen),

Solution Time(ms) Platform Notes
-------------  --------  ----------------- --------------------------
RM#5 SqlSrvr7  105 min   500 Mhz Srvr, NT  Avg of 2 runs, UnNrm,UnGen
XDb1 4.5.10     44 min   500 Mhz Srvr, NT  Avg of 2 runs, Norm, gener
XDb1 4.5.10     57 min   450 Mhz PC, 98    1 run, Normalized, generic
XDb1 4.5.10 195 min 233 Mhz PocketPC 1 run, Normalized, generic Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 17:35:40 CEST

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