Re: A Normalization Question

From: Gene Wirchenko <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 19:02:03 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hugo Kornelis <hugo_at_pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo> wrote:

>On 28 Jul 2004 11:02:47 -0700, Neo wrote:
>>It is like asking how to get $1000 from an empty bank account
>Ahhhhh ... so THAT's the problem!!
>Come on folks - everybody go and buy XDb1 - maybe when Neo starts making
>money, I will finally get the $1000 he still owes me!

     Hugo, you are better off not getting that money. You would probably just blow it on a down-payment on the Golden Gate Bridge.


Gene Wirchenko

Computerese Irregular Verb Conjugation:

     I have preferences.
     You have biases.
     He/She has prejudices.
Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 04:02:03 CEST

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