Re: Timeless Classics of Software Engineering

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 17:30:32 GMT
Message-ID: <YoRNc.42801$>

JXStern ( wrote:

: On 28 Jul 2004 08:04:43 -0700, (Steve
: Johnson) wrote:

: >I'd like to hear thoughts on what books, in your opinion, are true
: >classics in the field of software engineering. I read a lot on the
: >topic - at least a book a month for many years. There are many good
: >authors, however, the only book on making software that is truly
: >timeless, in my opinion, is "Mythical Man Month" by Brooks. It never
: >ceases to amaze me that something written over 20 years ago would be
: >so relevant.
: Copyright 1972 by Brooks, 1975 by Addison-Wesley, to be exact.

There's a later edition, 1995:

   20th Anniversary Edition With Four New Chapters

ISBN 0-201-83595-9 --Jerry Leslie
  Note: is invalid for email Received on Wed Jul 28 2004 - 19:30:32 CEST

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