Re: A Normalization Question

From: Tony <>
Date: 8 Jul 2004 02:17:22 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Neo) wrote in message news:<>...
> > The relational model is LOGICAL and is not concerned with the physical
> > issues.
> The above is meaningless in demonstrating that the color brown within
> the two facts is not redundant.
> > If your argument had any merit at all, an RDBMS
> > implementation could in fact store every data value only once, and
> > then physically point to it from all other records. For all you know,
> > maybe that IS what some RDBMSs do (it isn't, but it would be
> > impossible to tell using SQL).
> The above is meaningless in demonstrating that the color brown within
> the two facts is not redundant.

For someone who is obsessed with redundancy, you seem quite happy to repeat yourself. In fact, everything you write is redundant, because if no one ever read it they wouldn't be missing anything. Received on Thu Jul 08 2004 - 11:17:22 CEST

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