Re: A Normalization Question

From: Marshall Spight <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 03:56:45 GMT
Message-ID: <0C3Hc.26958$JR4.13361_at_attbi_s54>

"Neo" <> wrote in message
> > You mischaracterize the application of the relational model, then use that
> > mischaracterization to assert that the relational model is limited.
> RM's application is to represent data. If RM can represent some scopes
> of data without redundancy, it is not me that is mischaracterizing RM,
> it is RM that is limited.


I am curious: does it bother you at all, the steady stream of database professionals, college professors, etc. who come through here and try to explain to you that you are misunderstanding normalization? Do you ever consider the possibility that, in fact, they might be right and you might be wrong?

It strikes me that there are two possible ways to interpret the situation. Either you have broken though the previous ceiling on human understanding, through genius or deep insight, or else you simply misunderstand what's going on.

Is it that your opinion of yourself is so high, or that your opinion of everyone else is so low?

Can I ask how old you are?

Marshall Received on Thu Jul 08 2004 - 05:56:45 CEST

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