Re: A Normalization Question

From: Alan <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 02:19:04 GMT
Message-ID: <sa2Hc.10261$>

"Neo" <> wrote in message
> > Several people here have demonstrated time and again and in
> > several ways that you are not entirely correct.
> I am entirely correct. The following tuple has redundant data:
> Thing Person Color Street
> 1 brown brown brown
> The above tuple says (among other things) that there is a person named
> brown, a color named brown and a street named brown. The person, color
> and street in the tuple are all different things but their names are
> the same thing, the string 'brown'. The above tuple stores that string
> 'brown' three times and this is redundant. RM blinds you of this fact
> because it is a limited data model.
> Below is approximately how XDb1 normalizes the above tuple.
> Thing Person Color Street
> 1 ->2 ->3 ->4
> Person Name
> 2 ->5
> Color Name
> 3 ->5
> Street Name
> 4 ->5
> Name Sym1 Sym2 Sym3 Sym4 Sym5 ....
> 5 ->6, ->7, ->8, ->9, ->10
> Symbol
> 6 b
> 7 r
> 8 o
> 9 w
> 10 n
> Note, there are no tables in XDb1, only things. However certain groups
> of things can be viewed a list, tree, table, matrix, etc. For more
> info, see

<Sigh> Old proverb from somewhere: "Who is the greater fool- the fool or the man who argues with the fool?" I am through arguing. Received on Thu Jul 08 2004 - 04:19:04 CEST

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