From: Rene Hartmann <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 10:44:27 +0200
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.33.0405301036030.1181-100000_at_linux.local>

> "Laconic2" <> wrote in message
> [...]
> 1) Is a "pointer" a value, variable, other?
> 2) Is a Java reference a type of pointer?
> 3) Is the name of a relation plue the name of an attribute a pointer to the
> values of such? That has two parts -- Can a pointer be a literal string?
> and Can a pointer point to a set?

A pointer is a special kind of type. One can declare variables of a pointer type, and these variables can have pointer values.

A pointer type is a type for which two operations are supported: referencing and dereferencing.

The dereferencing operation takes a pointer *value* and returns a *variable* of the type the pointer refers to.

The referencing operation is the inverse operation. It takes a *variable* and returns a pointer *value*.

Java references are pointers in the above sense. The term pointer was avoided in Java because the term pointer is often used in a more restricted sense, meaning physical memory addresses.

Relational keys are definitely not pointers.

Rene´ Hartmann
Received on Sun May 30 2004 - 10:44:27 CEST

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