Re: Simple question on data design...

From: Jeff Zucker <>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 14:15:16 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Ken Zigler wrote:
> [whinging snipped]
> --CELKO-- <> wrote in message
> > Please post real DDL instead of a personal pseudo-code.
> Please stop being an arrogant cock-sucking bastard.

Please keep your juvenile remarks to yourself.

> Your piss-piddley Data Definition Language is useless when the data
> is already defined

No it's not, it expresses the situation in a way that all can understand.  

> Obviously you can't read 'personal pseudo code', however elementary.

And that's why DDL is better than pseudo code. Because the pseudo code is open to misinterpretation. If you want to post a narrative summary after the DDL, then readers will have the option of using either and can comment if the narrative seems to contradict the DDL.

> Zigler after a bad day

Yeah, me too, but please don't take it out on us.

Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 23:15:16 CET

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