Re: The Fact of relational algebra (was Re: Clean Object Class Design -- What is it?)

From: Gary Stephenson <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 12:16:22 +1100
Message-ID: <9ri9u8$jtt$>

Hi Jesper,

(Large portions of orginal post have been snipped without notice).

> No, I don't believe in faith!!! I believe you completely misunderstood me.
That is what
> I'm saying we should *not* do. I would suggest you try read that Wegner
and the Minsky
> paper I gave you. This may elaborate some of the things I'm trying to say.

I will try - but round tuits are in short supply as always. <g>

> I don't think the relational theory is bad. I just want to argue that
large-scale and
> distributed information architectures can *only* be build and understood
by supplementing
> this strict reductionist approach (that is the strict deterministic
mathematical approach
> the traditional relational theory uses to enforce database integrity) with
> approaches. That's all.

Well, so long as this "supplementation" you refer to doesn't invalidate the mathematical foundations underpinning the relational model I'm all for it. And I only wish to apply relational theory to persistent data stores (databases) - I understand that large-sacle distributed information architectures have many more dimensions than just that.

> I understand that. Actually, I think it's fine to use predicate logic, set
theory and
> suchlike. However, *only* doing that and separating the "thing" through
some strict
> logical model, will not take us far.

Agree entirely.

> > Other than inspired ad-hocery by renegade
> > individuals that is, which I have little faith in.
> Oh, so there is the relational theory and everything else is just
ad-hocery. I see now,
> you really have a pure reductionist gene in you. Well, if that's you
philosophy, then
> there is not much more to discuss I guess. It seems you have already made
up your
> mind then.

Well, no. I don't believe that to be a fair appraisal of my position. Ad-hocery has it's place - definitely. But it is, by definition, without theoretical basis. My position is that we need theoretical bases for our architectural work, or it will not be able to progress. That's all.

> That's sad, because I would be happy to discuss with you and see if we
could find out 'how
> deep this rabbit hole goes'. I believe we both could learn a lot from
that. But, if you
> simply refuse that anything else than relational theory is what one could
call fundamental
> then (to be completely honest) I have no faith in this discussion anymore.
I mean, what
> are there to discuss then? Anyway, it's a free country, so if you simply
refuse to be
> where the cool and fun stuff is going to happen, that's entirely up to you

Cool and fun stuff is all well and good. It won't really succeed unless it has some sound theoretical basis to it. Not necessarily relational mind you.

> In a world ruled by the latest hype and a bunch of
> methodology extremists that seem to refuse to communicate with each other,
> the only winner will be SUN, Oracle and maybe Microsoft, not us!

Absolutely agree. And that is precisely why I want to see sound theoretical underpinnings for things - otherwise they really are just hype. And most methodologies have _no_ theoretical basis to them, and are more of a religious nature than anything.

> But (I tell you) don't you come crawling the day your screwed up no good
> deterministic strict predicate-logic/set based ugly and busted relational
database breaks
> down or can't scale. Because I will not help you (at least not unless you
have an awfully
> lot of $, or maybe if you offer me a cold draught beer ;-)

Aww, gee. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get Larry, Bill or Scott to help me then. They seem to have all the answers! <g>

> I like to apologize for my language. It's just that I've recently been in
the cinema
> watching Rush Hour 2 and they (especially Chris Tucker) have an awfully
bad language.

Yes, and so you should, you f***ing d***head a**hole s***head p**ck.. How dare you sully our pure minds with your unexpurgated filth! I've a good mind to leave you out of my will now! (I'm thinking maybe I should cut down on the red ones - what do you think?)

> Anyway is was nice discussing with you.



gary Received on Mon Oct 29 2001 - 02:16:22 CET

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