Re: Multi Threaded server not working for many inserts?

From: NetComrade <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:52:07 GMT
Message-ID: <40575a15.4049515134_at_localhost>

On 16 Mar 2004 10:49:49 -0800, (Billy Verreynne) wrote:

>Processes do not hang. They do not get stuck at a machince code
>instruction and "hang" at that instuction.

Actually, MTS is buggy.. There is at least one bug that I recall, where MTS hangs for up to 60 seconds. There are some other bugs where session gets stuck in 'virtual circuit status' wait until it gets killed. I don't think all of them have been resolved, b/c MTS is not that popular of a product. Having that info, of course, shouldn't prevent you from looking at waits, traces, opening TARs, etc.

>So even if it appears the car does not seem to be moving, the engine
>is still running. So you need to roll up your sleeves, pop the hood,
>and see what is happening inside. Is the car in gear? Is the car not
>maybe upside down? Did someone replace the fan with a Cessna 152 prop
>in an attempt to turn it into a plane?
>And yeah, this analogy is very apt when it comes to how some people
>insist on using Oracle.
>I.e. what does the wait events for that process say? What does the
>rows gotten, i/o reads/writes and other session stats say for that
>process? Have you enabled SQL tracing for that session when it appears
>to be hung? Have you had a look at operating system wait events?
>Or is this kneejerk re-action that MTS must be to blame typical of the
>investigative and troubleshooting skills of today's IT/Oracle

We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes remove NSPAM to email Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 20:52:07 CET

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