Re: Help...

From: Jim Kennedy <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 16:23:07 GMT
Message-ID: <LVm2c.476253$I06.5307825_at_attbi_s01>

"Priyanka" <> wrote in message
> Hello frds
> I m doing MTech Comp Sc.
> I have done Msc Computer Sc.
> I have keen interest in databases specially Oracle.
> I would like to know what skills I shld get a gud entry
> level,I would be grateful to you...If anyone of you could give a piece
> of advice.
> bye
> Priyanka
Good communication skills are highly valuable. So not using leetspeek would help. Otherwise, you won't rise much above a lowly tech. Jim Received on Sat Mar 06 2004 - 17:23:07 CET

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