Problem installing Oracle8i Personal Ed. on Win98

From: ck <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 02:53:10 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Was wondering who could help me out?

Installing Oracle8i Per. Ed., and the Universal Installer produced an error during Configuration of the Starter Database (after a successful Net8 installation). Viewing the log showed the message that "Setup\starterdb is an invalid command line argument."

I continued with final steps of the installation (without Configuring Starter Database) and upon rebooting my computer, I am not able to log on to the database. I have entered the SYSTEM/MANAGER, SYS/CHANGE_ON_INSTALL, SCOTT/TIGER, PO8/PO8 username/passwords. The Start Database window pops open and asks for a password which I do not have. I have entered all the passwords from the usernames and does not work.

I also began to create my own database using the Database Configuration Assistant. I let it run for over 24 hours and the maximum it got to was 73%.

Any Help Please? Received on Sun Apr 22 2001 - 04:53:10 CEST

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