Re: Oracle for beginner - advice please!

From: Jason Chan <>
Date: 1998/12/28
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Dear Sir:

If possible. take the Oracle Developer course.


Websurfer wrote:

> Websurfer wrote:
> > To all Oracle experts and professionals:
> >
> > I only have a B.S. in Accounting.
> > However, I took COBOL, PASCAL programming in college.
> > Since I graduated, I have been working as a database
> > administrator/programer
> > using PC database softwares like DBASE, FOXPRO & ACCESS.
> > I want to enter the Oracle field.
> > Where should I start?
> >
> > I found a company offering courses in Oracle OCP and Oracle Developer.
> >
> > Which one should I take first?
> > How much do those Oracle classes usually cost?
> >
> > My company is not currently using Oracle but planning to buy Oracle
> > Financial.
> > Which is the chance that a company would hire me after completing some
> >
> > Oracle
> > courses, probably with a Oracle OCP but no real work experience in
> > Oracle
> > and no computer degree?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
Received on Mon Dec 28 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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