Re: Use index for order by ?

From: Willy Klotz <>
Date: 1996/01/25
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Sameer writes in article <4dkjpu$>:
> Is there a way to make Oracle use index on a table for ordering rows ?
> Here is the problem : Say you have a table with million rows, you want to
> show 20 at a time on a screen in forms 4.5 (a very extreme example but
> illustrates what I want to say), you want rows to be ordered by a column
> (say cust_number which is primary key on customer table).
> If you create a base table block and use order by clause, it seems Oracle
> attempts to sort all million rows before showing first set of 20 which can
> take awfully long time.
> Is there a way of saying use index (primary key) and show first 20 without
> sorting all million (which can be very fast as far as performace seen by
> the use is concerned) ?

As always: it depends ...

The use of indexes (at least when you use the rule-based optimizer) is only enforced on the where clause, not on the order by clause. So simply add something like "where column > 0".

Willy Klotz


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