Re: HELP: What do these ORA codes signify?

From: Vikram Goel <>
Date: 1996/01/18
Message-ID: <4dmc04$>#1/1


The errors you mentioned in your mail has to do with the setting of the open_cursors value in the init<sid>.ora file for your instance ( usually in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory under unix).

Oracle opens a cursor for every sql statement, even if you did not ask for a explicit cursor. The setting of 'open_cursors' value is per session, therefore if your application has a number of select/ update statements, a new cursor will be opened and if it then reaches the limit, you get the error. The 604 error is a top level catch all for this and other conditions.

To fix this you can try to close all implicit cursors by issuing commits, while processing, or raise the value of the open_cursor parameter.

Hope this helps

Vikram Goel


Aerotek Inc.



In article <>, (John G. Chirapurath) writes:
>Hi all,
>I am developing a simple application using Developer2000/Oracle 7. This
>application logs transactions based on 6 different categories and stores
>it in 6 separate tables. There are six form interfaces to facilitate this
>process. Also, whenever an insert occurs in any of these 6 tables a
>value gets updated in an overview table which holds the aggregate of these
>The problem is that during the process of logging these transactions, I
>get error messages in the following order which consequently blocks the
>insert into that particular table and also the subsequent update into the
>overview table.
>ORA-00604 - error occurrred at recursive SQL level 1.
>ORA-01000 - maximum open cursors exceeded.
>I do not understand the reasons for these errors especially since I close
>both the explicit cursors which I use in the PL/SQL block controlling the
>insert/update processes.
>If any of can shed some light on this I would be most appreciative. In
>particular can I handle the 'maximum open cursors' thing as an exception
>or is there system variable corresponding to this that I can explicitly
>Email me at or post to this group.
>Best Regards,
Received on Thu Jan 18 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

Original text of this message