Re: SQL*Net for Win95

From: Fred Wiersma <>
Date: 1996/01/18
Message-ID: <4dl2g9$>#1/1

In article <4d8q0l$>, (Ray Ontko) wrote:

>I'm trying to get my Windows Oracle apps to run under Win95,
>and am having trouble finding SQL*Net that works. I have heard
>that the solution is to download 19 Megabytes of stuff from
>, but this would take DAYS
>over my link.
>Does anyone know what specific files are needed? Does anyone
>have them?
>Ray Ontko | Ray Ontko & Co | "Ask me about SQR and the WEB."
> | Richmond, In | See us at

Hello Ray,

Sqlnet 1.* and 2.x for Win3.1 will work in Win95. I don't know the specific files (too many of them). Use the Nettest.exe utility to test SqlNet connections.

Good luck,

Fred Wiersma Received on Thu Jan 18 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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