Re: Problem with outer join

From: Paul Young <>
Date: 1996/01/17
Message-ID: <>#1/1

RaceTrac Petroleum ( wrote:
: These are the table that we working with:

: Table A:
: key_id Date Value
: 1 04-DEC-95 1000
: Table B:
: key_id
: 1
: 2

: This SQL statement generate the results posted below:
: This is the result that we want.

: select key_id, nvl(sum(value),0)
: from A, B
: where A.key_id = b.key_Id (+)

: Results:
: key_id sum(Value)
: 1 1000
: 2 0

: The same SQL stmt with the date criteria returns only 1 row.

: select key_id, nvl(sum(value),0)
: from A, B
: where A.key_id = b.key_Id (+)
: and date = '04-DEC-95'

: Results:
: key_id sum(Value)
: 1 1000

: Does any one know a way around this?


Try adding a (+) to the constant side of the date comparison.  I know I've
done stuff like this before.

 select key_id, nvl(sum(value),0)
 from A, B
 where A.key_id = b.key_Id (+)
 and date = '04-DEC-95'    (+)

PGY  (Opinions expressed are mine and mine alone)
#  Paul Young                                                  #
#                                          #
#  Statistics Canada                                           #
Received on Wed Jan 17 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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