Re: Print within PL/SQL?

From: Dewey Blaylock <>
Date: 6 Jan 1995 16:32:30 -0800
Message-ID: <3ekneu$> wrote:

: Hi,
: I have a PL/SQL script file which I run within SQLPLUS using "_at_script_filename"
: command. I would like to print variable values on the screen or to a text
: file. For example:

: script file:

: declare
: fld1 table_a.fld1%type;
: ....

: cursor c1 is
: select fld1, ... from table_a;

: begin
: open c1;
: loop
: fetch c1 into fld1, ....;
: exit when c1%notfound;

: <here I like to print "fld1" on the screen or to a text file>

: ....
: end;
: /

: Any ideas, suggestions?

: Thanks
: Asim
Yes, try using


when you actually run the script in sqlplus you may need to SET SERVEROUTPUT ON
This will enable screen output. Do this before you run your script. If you receive a buffer overflow then you can set the buffer size by issuing
Execute dbms_output.enable(buffer_size); where buffer_size is a number

that is your desired size  The                             
  --  minimum is 2000 and the maximum is 1,000,000.                
2000 is the default

GT Received on Sat Jan 07 1995 - 01:32:30 CET

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