HELP! How can I get UTD resource file forms Forms 3.0?

From: Phil Roberts <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 01:44:34 GMT
Message-ID: <>

We are using 6.0.36 with SQL*Forms 3.0. This version was ported to Unisys 5000/80 systems running Unix for the National Guard Bureau. We do not have the Universal Terminal Definition (UTD) in any of our resource files. How can I go about getting a resource file that includes UTD? Our default term file is SVT1220, but we also use VT220. Most importantly, I want to be able to use UTD with PCs that are connected to the Unisys systems.

Is there a place where I can get a resource file that has UTD that will work with our system and version of Oracle by FTP?

TIA Phil Roberts |

               | or Received on Fri Jan 06 1995 - 02:44:34 CET

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