Re: 9.0.1 install on Linux, runInstaller starts, and then stops, no error messages...

From: Gerard H. Pille <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 18:12:48 +0100
Message-ID: <>

cayenne wrote:
> HI all,
> I've been tossed an Oracle 7.3.4 database I have to manage...I have
> the Oracle 10G client that installed on my Gentoo Linux box with no
> problem. Trouble is, this client is too new to connect to the old
> database.
> I've found that the last version of the Oracle client I can connect
> with is the 9.0.1 release. A long time back...I was able with some
> playing around to get this client installed on another box....but, I
> can remember what it was I had to do or the site that helped me.
> I've copied all the Disk files to the HD. I run Disk1/runInstaller.
> It tells me : Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
> /tmp/OraInstall/jre/bin/jre Please wait....
> And then it quits, and does nothing. I looked in the file:
> /tmp/OraInstall/jre/bin/jre and it is empty. I looked, and my
> JAVA_HOME = /opt/blackdown-jkd-1.4.1
> I'm only wanting to install the client, not the database...
> I've tried linking the /tmp/OraInstall/jre ->
> /opt/blackdown-jkd-1.4.1/jre thinking it was having problems finding
> the jre. When I did didn't say it was initializing the Java
> Virtual machine...just did nothing, and returned the command prompt.
> I thought I remember last time, going into one of the Disk1 files, and
> changing something simple and it fired right up...but, don't remember
> what nor where I saw what to do....
> Anyone out there with some suggestions?
> chilecayenne

It could also be something stupid as your locale: LANG containing something unuseable for the Java runtime Received on Fri Dec 03 2004 - 18:12:48 CET

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