Re: help about BLOB

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 18 Jun 2002 12:23:07 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] In article <>, Daniel says...
>Drifter wrote:
>> hi NG
>> is there a way to create a file with the content of a blob?
>> for example: if i have a table with a BLOB data type (column) in which
>> there are some binary things, can i create a file (in the File Sistem called
>> "test.dat") with these binary things?
>> best regards
>> ~Carmine
>You can write the contents of a BLOB field out to a file on the hard disk using
>the DBMS_LOB package.
>Daniel Morgan

you can READ the contents of a file into a blob using dbms_lob.

You cannot WRITE


for an approach.

Thomas Kyte (    
Expert one on one Oracle, programming techniques and solutions for Oracle.  
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp 
Received on Tue Jun 18 2002 - 21:23:07 CEST

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