Jdeveloper 3.2.3 and EJB deployment

From: Andre Simmons <andre.simmons_at_exponent.co.uk>
Date: 31 Jul 2001 06:08:27 -0700
Message-ID: <ee6eefbf.0107310508.205c3b79_at_posting.google.com>

I'm using JDeveloper 3.2.3 and have a couple of problems. 1) on deploying my test EJB's i get the following error from the loadjava util:


"D:\JDev323\myprojects\OracleEJBTest\ClassesProfile1_Untitled.zip" loadjava: For JDBC Thin the database string must be of the form <host>:<port>:<sid> or a Net8 name-value list: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=pearl)(PORT=1522)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AS9I.exponent))) *** Deployment completed ***
I can manually load my EJB's from the command line using: loadjava -thin -user ejbtester/chovet_at_pearl.exponent:1521:AS9I etc, but want to do this through JDeveloper.
2) on selecting help -> help topics JDeveloper crashes. The O/S is Windows NT 4.0 workstation, SP5. The Oracle Database it is trying to connect to is 8.1.7.
Thanks in advance.
Andre Received on Tue Jul 31 2001 - 15:08:27 CEST

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