Replication to non-Oracle databases

From: Andre Cerri <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 06:55:26 GMT
Message-ID: <Nr207.5$>


Total Oracle newbie here, so please bear with me.......

I have a customer with an Oracle 8 (I believe, maybe 8i) system running on Solaris 2.8. I need to get updates made to the system across to another ODBC datasource.....

Obviously we have a way to do this using insert/update/delete triggers that populate a user defined transaction table in Oracle, and either use C code, (or maybe PL/SQL?) to sequentially scan the table and fire the updates across to an ODBC DSN. Or use the other DBMS to retrieve them using it's built in ODBC Gateway, but this will probably need a 64 bit ODBC driver for Oracle.

But how easy is it to get to the Oracle Redo logs? Is there an API? From C or Unix? From PL/SQL?

I understand that there are 3rd party tools out there, but not sure of their cost yet, reliability, flexibility etc.

Finally, apparently Oracle 9 has built in redo log replication. Is this strictly Oracle to Oracle? Or Oracle to ODBC? Or what?

TIA Andre
Note anti-spam measures in email address..... Received on Sun Jul 22 2001 - 08:55:26 CEST

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