Re: Forms6i: count hits --> FRM 40919

From: Oleg Fedorov <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:53:21 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Check you query.
You can see the text of query at :SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY as soon as a normal query is executed in the form.


"Walter Stucki" <> wrote in message news:<3b29f31b$>...
> Forms Version produces a FRM-40919 Exception,
> (Internal SQL statement execution error), when performing count
> hits on a form (with a e.g. a % query condition in a text item).
> After the error message, the correct result is displayed.
> Help->Display error does not report any errors.
> The problem dissapears as soon as a normal query is
> executed in the form.
> Has anyone found a getaround?
> Best regards
> Walter Stucki, Oekosoft
> -------------------------------------------------
> | |
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:53:21 CEST

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