Re: XSQL and multiple values from select box

From: Ioannis K. Moutsatsos <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:58:07 GMT
Message-ID: <9h2adp$djm$>

XSQL does not handle multiple parameters with the same name (as for example from a muliple select drop down box) . We have encountered the same problem and we never got a satisfactory answer from the Oracle XML forum support. There is however a relatively simple answer.

Create a JSP page to handle the original HTTP request. All same name parameters can be recovered in an array and you can dynamically build a WHERE clause in the JSP. Pass the entire WHERE clause as a parameter to the XSQL page. I'm writting this from home. If you are interested in the exact code please e-mail me at and I'll send it to you on Monday.

Hope it helps.
"Dan" <> wrote in message
> HELP!!!
> Given this xsql file (test.xsql)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xsql:query reparse="yes" connection="scott_tiger"
> select
> client_name, client_id
> from
> client
> where
> client_id in ({_at_client_id})
> </xsql:query>
> and running this
> http://host/test.xsql?client_id=5&client_id=6&client_id=8
> does not resolve the where clause into
> "where client_id in (5,6,7)"
> instead, it does this:
> "where client_id in (5)"
> How can I get this to work?
> Thank you!
> --Dan Cutler
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:58:07 CEST

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