Re: how to use cursor variable with dynamic SQL in PL/SQL

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:47:48 GMT
Message-ID: <>

In article <9f5v9l$5b7$>, "Robert says...
>I was surprised that I did not find a way to do this in the document. I try
>to pass a cursor variable back to a calling program. Normally it is easy. I
>define a variable with ref cursor type. Then I open the cursor with a select
>statement like this:
>OPEN my_cursor_variable FOR select * from emp;
>return my_cursor_variable;
>Now my SQL statement is dynamically constructed. I compose the sql
>statement and put the sql statement in a variable sql_command.
>OPEN my_cursor_variable FOR sql_command.
>This gave me an error saying it is expecting for a select.
>I did not see a way in DBMS_SQL package which I can use the cursor variable.
>Any one get any idea?

my idea - you don't say (no one seems to) what version you are on but it sounds like version 8.0 or before.

Dynamically opening a ref cursor:

ps$tkyte_at_ORA8I.WORLD> variable x refcursor ops$tkyte_at_ORA8I.WORLD> set autoprint on ops$tkyte_at_ORA8I.WORLD> declare
  2 sql_statement varchar2(100) default 'select * from dual';   3 begin
  4 open :x for sql_statement;
  5 end;
  6 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


was added in Oracle8i (8.1) and is quite impossible to do prior to that.


for methods to do this in a fashion in 8.0 and before.


Thomas Kyte ( Oracle Service Industries Howtos and such: Oracle Magazine: [Quoted] Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:47:48 CEST

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