Re: Need Pro-C code to read/write local files

From: Spencer <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:46:15 GMT
Message-ID: <x_YQ6.69$>

[Quoted] is there a particular reason this had to be cross-posted to the entire gamma quadrant of the known universe ?

i may have missed something here, but this doesn't sound like a Pro*C issue... that is "reading a file from a remote machine" is not specifically [Quoted] an oracle or pro*c issue.

[Quoted] [Quoted] this is typically handled with utilities like ftp or nfs (unix) or lan manager
style UNC names on dos/windows (i.e. c:\> net share ... c:\> net use ...)

[Quoted] if you are going to "roll your own" solution, then you will need executables [Quoted] [Quoted] on both machines, on either end of the network connection.

[Quoted] "Erik L. Cohen" <> wrote in message
> I have a request that I would like to pass on from one of my clients:
> "
> following the question that I was mentioning to you. Can you post to
> newsgroups. Thanks,Ganesh.(6200).
> Need to read a file (.pdf, .gif) on client machine and write to BLOB
> datatype in Oracle8.0.4 located on the server. The limitation is the
> drives cannot be mapped between Server and client machines.
> "
> I believe what they need is a Pro-C example or something like that.
> It needs to be able to become aware of the client machine file system
> and then perform I/O.
> Any ideas???
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:46:15 CEST

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