Re: Oracle 7 analyser

From: Hans Forbrich <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:57:48 GMT
Message-ID: <>

With all due respect, analysis of database design is a job for a human (at this time). And, since all but Oracle 7.3.4 are now desupported, I wouldn't bother trying to do anything with Oracle7 if I could avoid it. Oracle9i is already released - if possible try to get up to Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7) as that will be supported for a couple of years.

I suspect you are not after checking the design, but rather the implementation (admin & maintenance stuff) like which indexes are good/bad, disk allocation, memory allocation, etc.

That said, check out Oracle Press - they have a recent book on using StatsPack (StatsPack is part of Oracle8i but it does work against Oracle 7, sort of - caveats in the book). (Oracle Press can be accessed from Technet -


Daniel Vaughan wrote:

> Can anyone recommend any database analyser products for Oracle 7,
> specifically to analyise how well the database has been designed and any
> potential problems.
> Regards
> Daniel Vaughan
> Senior Technical Consultant
> K-solutions Limited
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